2024 There will be NO Fall draw down of Kirk Lake
Please note that the lake will not be lowered this fall due to The Delaware Aqueduct Repair Project. For more information, please visit the NYC Environmental Protection site:
Updated August 24, 2024
Attention all fishermen - Northern Pike in Kirk Lake!
It has come to our attention that someone has illegally placed Northern Pike into Kirk Lake. If you catch one, PLEASE REMOVE IT. Do not release it back into the lake. Being non-native to our lake, this species is invasive and can cause our native fish populations to decline.
Please notify KLWA if you have taken one of these out of the lake so that we can keep track of the numbers.
Thank you for continuing to help protect Kirk Lake.
Facebook: Kirk Lake Watershed Association
Email: kirklakenetwork@gmail.com
Updated May 10, 2024
Northern Pike caught in Kirk Lake
May 2024
Please remember to send your dues if you have not done so and help us to continue our work on the lake.
KLWA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law).
Upcoming projects include: more carp, shoreline survey, limnologist engagement and continued grant applications.
We need your help to locate and apply for community grants. Please use your resources to bring ideas to our attention.
Safe Boating & Swimming at the Lake
The state of New York requires one wearable Type I, II, III, or V PFD for each person that is aboard a vessel. All PFDs must be readily accessible.
In addition to the above requirement, one Type IV U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFD must be on board vessels 16 feet or longer and readily accessible.
Type V PFDs are approved but must be worn to be considered legal.
Flotation devices that are ripped or in poor condition are not considered approved.
All Personal Watercraft (PWC) occupants must be wearing a PFD.
Any person towed behind a vessel must be wearing a PFD.
All persons on any vessel (this includes motor boats, sailboats, kayaks, canoes, or rowboats) less than 21 feet, must wear a life jacket from November 1 to May 1 when underway.
Swimmers in open water should be accompanied by a flotation device or small boat to signal their presence.
See more about Boating & Swim Safety on Kirk Lake and the Kirk Lake Safety Guidelines.
Invasive Species: Help prevent the spread!
To help prevent the introduction and spread of non-native species from one body of water to another, you should:
Inspect your boat and remove aquatic plants or animals before you leave any body of water.
Flush raw-water cooling systems and clean sea strainers before moving your boat from one body of water to another.
Empty bait buckets and remove any plant fragments from bait wells, fishing gear, trailers, dive gear or props. Dispose on land into a garbage receptacle.
Drain water from your motor, live wells and bilge.
Wash your boat before putting it into a new body of water.
Report new infestation of non-native aquatic species to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Learn more about Invasive Plants & Animals at Kirk Lake
View a quick video for how to pull milfoil from our shoreline during the fall/winter/spring. Please be sure to remove roots and all and dispose of them far from the shoreline.